At long last, I’ve finally completed the myspace layout, and I’ve posted songs for your listening pleasure. As I have not used myspace for the Carrying Place at all yet, it would be of great appreciation if you’d add me as a friend, and show your friends! Here is the link, enjoy!

So it’s been a couple weeks since some updates, but here it is!

A few days before I went in for surgery I laid down quite a few rough demos with Chris, and we were both pretty happy with the way it all turned out, especially for the amount of time in which they were done. They aren’t final recordings by any means, and there are lots of elements still missing, but at the very least they will provide you with an idea of what to expect for a final product. I’m going to set up the myspace account finally this week with the time I’ve got off from work (might as well do something, eh what?).

As for the surgery, ow mang. I have to say, I greatly underestimated the amount of pain that would follow the surgery, and for how long. It’s been 4 days now and my throat still looks like a cauterized swollen mess, and feels about the same. I ate a bit of solid food yesterday for the first time since Wednesday, which rocked. I’m hoping that by Friday I might start feeling relatively normal again, but who knows? I’m taking codeine for pain, and I’m on antibiotics. Apparently I have yet to experience the scabbing, and then the scabs falling off my throat (that’s the 10 day mark or something like that). Regardless, I’m glad this is only a one-time procedure!

I’ll post an update in a couple days once I sort out the myspace deal, and then there will be some audio samples. 2 or 3, I haven’t decided how many to put up just yet. But they are coming!

A lovely excuse to be drunk for days on end. Today before the festivities continued, my old man raced a tow truck driver down a street near our house; basically this other guy was accelerating towards parked cars in the right lane of this double lane road, so my dad thought it would be funny (and it was) to match his speed so he couldn’t pass us. Long story short, this guy skidded to a stop within less than a foot of the parked cars, and he was one of those typically beefy, tattooed, I’m a badass tow truck driver, and he goes, “What the fuck man, you like to play games?” So my dad is like, “Yeah man! I love games! What did you have in mind?” Tow truck driver replies, “You think you’re funny?” Then my brother and I collectively yelled obscenities along the lines of, “We’re definitely funny, and not a big pussy.” So he threatened to kill us or something along those lines, followed us into the parking lot at the grocery store, and then decided to leave. For a second I thought I may have actually had quite the turn of events this weekend, but we didn’t. On the drive home I then proceeded to yell to three girls, “You’re really pretty!” And they were like, “Hahaha” And then I singled out the one on the left and just said, “You.” She said thanks, and here I am enough beers later.

Happy May 24!

Here it is! The start of info flow for this summer’s impending tour, Get Folked. The tour dates are finally all starting to come together to collectively make a two week bender, and the funnest part of our year; yours too if you come! The tour will be showcasing the Canadian folk talents of the Carrying Place, Katie Glover, and Will Gooch. The tour will also feature Brampton’s the Fiction in Folklore, and more artists TBA (This could be you! More info coming soon). The tour will kick off at Smiling Buddha in Toronto on Wednesday, July 14th followed by the Abbey, Marcello’s, Yellow Griffin, and more TBA!

Everyone involved responsible for getting this tour off the ground are stoked, and we’re really looking forward to the actual event. The good news: we’re on like Donkey Kong. The bad news: we have to wait two months until this folkin’ tour de force takes over Ontario.

For updates, location information, inquiries on how to join the tour, and to help with the fun, join the Get Folked facebook group @

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It’s been quite some time since an update! Things have been crazier than usual over the last couple weeks, but I’ve got lots to write about.

Earlier I posted info about a prospective summer tour. The tour is officially in the works and there are already dates booked. I’m just waiting on some replies back from certain promoters and I should have the rest of the tour booked and set in stone in the next couple of weeks. As it stands the first date booked is July 14th, so at the very earliest that will be the kickoff. Once the poster is finished being designed and the dates are printed up on it then I will post all of the information. It looks like the tour will span two or three weeks, and I’ll be playing as the Carrying Place all over Ontario with friends Sidecars for Segways, the Fiction in Folklore, and more TBA.  The tour has been aptly titled, Get Folked, and we’re all super stoked. Look for more information on this very soon.

I’ve recently had some really self-gratifying progress with new songs for the Carrying Place, and I’m going to start recording instrumentals again very shortly! However, things are going to be put on hold as of June 3, as I’m getting surgery done to have my tonsils and adenoids removed — an adeno-tonsillectomy it’s called. Apparently it blows to have it done, but it’s going to ultimately fix all of the complications I’ve had with my throat that have been putting vocal tracking for the album on hold. It’s 2 or 3 weeks of recovery time, but I’ll be good to go for the tour.

Exciting News! To add to the progress of the album, I’m going to be adding a new permanent member to the Carrying Place that we’ll be unveiling once we finally post some tracks up. This person will also be doing the majority of the tour with me, so look forward to that!

Lastly, I chose to end a relationship a few days ago. While it was a necessary move, it’s come with its share of complications that I’d rather just forget about altogether. Bunny boiler anyone? Anyway, more updates soon to come!

Last week was really hectic. I had two of my grandparents in for surgeries, one of which had 35% risk of death. Both are recovering and doing well, one is out of hospital. It seems like that was entirely last week. Friday night I had a really good jam, however. We were finally able to get my buddy out to throw down some keys, and it sounded phenomenal. We’re jamming again tonight, making strides of progress every time so far. More updates soon, I’ve got to go to work!

Last night I had another jam with the new (still unnamed) band. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy musically, ever. The stuff we’re writing just seems to be flowing out on its own, and I can’t wait for us to start performing it. We’re still quite a distance from being satisfied enough with our stuff to perform it, but it’s closing in fast. A couple more months and we’re bringing the noise!

As it stands I’ve decided to put ‘The Carrying Place’ EP on an indefinite hiatus, as a great deal of the songs that I’ve written for it seem to be transferring extremely well to a full-band format. The truth is, I want a band to play with. I’m getting really excited about being part of something again. It’s been a long time since I’ve been part of the creative process that a band should be, and something’s got to change. And it is! I’ll be updating frequently about the progress of this new band as we get closer to playing.

I’m amped.

Woooooo! Finally getting some more tracking done in about an hour. It’s been way too long in between and it’s been frustrating because of how busy things have gotten, but at least I’m getting back on track now. A belated happy 4/20 to everyone. I was going to hop on here last night, but … well, you know … I guess I lost track of time. Planning for the summer tour is starting to snowball quickly and lots has been planned. It looks like we’ve got quite a few fun venues lined up and we’re all getting really stoked to actually play them. I’ll be posting up all of the information once we have everything set up close to 100%.

The new band is flourishing right now and we’re writing like mad. We’re still looking for a bassist, and once we can get things together we’re hitting the scene full blast. GET PUMPED!

Niagara Falls was a blast. We arrived at around 3:30 p.m., got valet parking by default (sweet), and grabbed a room on the 15th floor of the Radisson. I was buzzing hard by 4:30 and we decided to hit up the town. We walked for a long time, stopping to see the sites and the falls along the way,  meandering in and out of different shops, I had to pee on the escarpment (Niagara has nothing on me), etc. We ate at Boston Pizza and the Hard Rock Cafe within an hour of each other, you know, snack, then walk, then eat some more. The Hard Rock was also playing some random anti-aging infomercial in place of the hockey game that was on at the same time … very confused. After we stuffed ourselves we took a ride on the “SkyWheel”. I have to say, probably the most worthwhile and funniest part of my trip: I can’t recommend checking it out enough.

From there we proceeded to the casino, I can’t remember which one. I was fortunate enough to win 75 bucks! So we bought some more drinks, then headed back to the hotel. The hotel bathroom was Jamaican-themed. Shortly after the night did it’s thing I passed out after a bottle of champagne.

All in all, it was a great weekend. Best one so far this year

Onto other matters, I’ve started my new job and I’m enjoying myself. My back is dying from wearing a leafblower that bears a great resemblance to these guys:

I’m going to have some long days, but I’ll still be able to get more done with music than I was able to before. I’ve got some haggard tan lines from my gloves, then rolled up long-sleeve shirt, then rolled up tee. I know what you’re thinking to yourself, that sounds like it could set a trend for all the kids this summer. You’re damn right it will.

As of last night I’m finally a free man and have escaped from the clutches of Costco and the Keg. The whole day went alright with the exception of the very end of my night at the Keg last night, where one of the line cooks decided to snap on me. It basically took him half an hour to get up one half of a meal, then by the time the other half was up it was at 50 minutes. So anyway, he’s in my face asking how the hell I could possibly have left a meal up that long, to which I replied, “it’s not my job to put tuna on the grill.” So he kissed his teeth a few times, threw a fit and some more words at me, then I told him to pull his head out of his ass and he got back in my face waving his finger around like he was going to poke me in the eye haha. He goes, “What’d you say to me?! I’ll knock your fucking head off!” By this point in time there was an audience watching, including all three managers that were working. I made sure to thank him for making my last night of work so special, and I wished him a good life. That probably sent him over the edge and he stormed out after that. That guy’s attitude has always been shit, but I’ve never seen it that bad. I’ll see him again when I’m over there for drinks for sure. I wonder what he’ll say? Needless to say, I’m glad this week’s over. Now I’m off to get loaded in Niagara. I’m sure that I’ll have something to write about when I get back.