Why, hello there! I see you have stumbled across this blog, and subsequently this page! The Carrying Place has many directives and will undoubtedly evolve over time as life goes along. This blog will serve as home base for music updates, life updates, and indeed, rants of sarcasm and satire.

My name is Kyle. I play drums, guitar, keys, and I sing. Music consumes the majority of my time when I am not working. “But Kyle, what genres!” you ask. I’m currently working on a few different projects. I play live as a session drummer for a band called Binge Ninja out of Brampton, ON.

I am also working on putting together an acoustic/folk album, aptly titled ‘The Carrying Place’; this upcoming album is on its way and I’m looking to record an EP for it over the upcoming months, although it will be money and time-dependant (fingers crossed!).

In addition to the above-mentioned endeavours, I am also currently in the process of getting a brand new band together that I am getting very excited about. This project, still unnamed, will likely end up consuming all of my time once certain member migrations have been completed. Stay tuned for this project, we are all getting extremely excited! More on this within the next month!